
EXPO '98 / AIP

1st Prize
Internacional Competition (by invitation)
Selected work for the
Published and displayed work

Parque Expo '98
Associação Industrial Portuguesa

Lisbon's Exhibition Center,
100 000 m2

1st stage, Northern Internacional Area, Expo '98
2nd stage, New FIL, AIP

Lisbon's World Expo 1998 Enclosure
Bojador Square, Lisbon

Completed work

Architecture and Coordination
TETRACTYS, Arquitectos | Lisboa, Portugal

Foundations and structures
GAPRES, Gabinete de Projetos, Engenharia e Serviços, S.A. | Lisboa, Portugal
Artur Pinto Ravara
Eduardo Cansado Carvalho
Joaquim Pereirinha
Alberto Raposo

Electric and communication network installations
Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau, SMITS VAN BURGST B.V. | Zoetermeer, Netherlands
ARDAN, Serviços, Projectos e Gestáo, Ld.ª | Lisboa, Portugal
Jacobus Geert Mast
Peter Tanis
Jean-Patrick Girardot
Miguel Geraldes Cardoso

elevation and transportation equipment
heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau, SMITS VAN BURGST B.V. | Zoetermeer, Netherlands
AR, Antonio Rego, Ld.ª | Lisboa, Portugal
Jacobus Geert Mast
Peter Tanis
Hendrik Gijsbertus Blom
Antonio Lopes do Rego

Water supply and sewerage networks
HIDROPROJECTO, Consultores de Hidráulica e Salubridade, S.A. | Lisboa, Portugal
Almeida Rocha
Henrique Neves
Sequeira Ribeiro
Pedro Tomás

intrusion, theft and vandalism control
fire prevention and protection

HIDROPROJECTO, Consultores de Hidráulica e Salubridade, S.A. | Lisboa, Portugal
Henrique Neves
Antonio Gamboa

Outdoors, Landscape Architecture
TETRACTYS, Arquitectos | Lisboa, Portugal
Nuno Lecoq

Flow and Signals
GIBB, Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, Ld.ª | Reading, England
Roger Judd
Antonio Morais

acustical conditioning
ACUSTICA E AMBIENTE, Pedro Martins da Silva e Associados, Ld.ª | Lisboa, Portugal
Pedro Martins da Silva
Maria Odete Domingues

Cost control
DEACON & JONES, Consultores de Construção, Ld.ª | London, England
Mario Patronilha
John Barcrof
Manuel Gonçalves

Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected
Expo '98 / AIP - Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos - Designs | Selected

datasheet | photos  <iiiiiiivvvivii >

Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos